"...For years I felt utterly stuck and continuously seemed to hit a glass ceiling I just couldn't seem to pass by.“

A little of my story I
17+ yrs experience in business

Business And life coach I I´m YOur ACE! ♠️ • Business And life coach I I´m Your ACE! ♠️ • Business And life coach I I´m YOur ACE! ♠️ • Business and Life Coach I I´m Your ace!

Hi, I´m

meet your Business & life coach
and communication trainer

Growing up, I faced a unique challenge: my passions and loves were relegated to the realm of hobbies, while a traditional 9-to-5 career was deemed the only path to financial stability. The idea that my true interests could seamlessly align with a successful career seemed like an unattainable dream.

Even in my childhood, I grappled with this belief. Deep within, I sensed a purpose far grander than a mere pastime. The prospect of a mundane job, solely for survival, felt unsuitable. For years I felt utterly stuck and seemed to hit a glass ceiling I just couldn´t seem to pass by. I hopped from job to job, feeling neither content nor accomplished, let alone aspiring for a flourishing career.

My perspective shifted drastically when my first son entered the world. All I desired for him, and my subsequent children, was a life marked by joy, passion, and fulfillment. Guiding them toward embracing their talents and passions became my mission. It was a revelation, a truth about life that had eluded me until then.

..."My perspective shifted drastically when my first son entered the world."

This realization became a catalyst for my own transformation. It empowered me to pursue my passions, redefine my path, and sculpt a life entirely of my making. I delved into self-development, enriched my knowledge through Harvard classes, sought wisdom from mentors, and explored various mindset techniques.

Today, after 16+ years as an entrepreneur and a profound personal journey, I've discovered my purpose. I am dedicated to supporting and empowering women through my proven {THE EAST HAMPTON METHOD}. This method, meticulously crafted since 2019, incorporates techniques tailored to reprogram the subconscious mind, inner child work, goal setting, energy work, NFT, and other transformative tools. One crucial aspect involves nurturing the nervous system, ensuring a holistic approach to personal growth.

Through this exclusive methodology, I've transformed numerous lives, reaffirming a truth I hold dear: anyone can achieve their desires with the right guidance and mindset.

Now, I invite you to join me on this transformative journey. Embrace your potential, break through barriers, and experience unparalleled growth, all while flourishing in every aspect of your life. Because, deep down, you too know: you can be and do anything you desire.

behind the business and life coach I Communication trainer
 I´m Your ACE! ♠️

Get To Know Me • Get To Know Me •

"...and remember: You Can. And Will. design a life you love - at any moment in time!" 

Kathrine Louis

books & audiobooks

currently reading


What I´m

what I´m

what i´m

what i




not about

Travelling with my family, seeing amazing places, great mattresses in hotels (because I just CANNOT sleep in bad ones - and that messes up any vacation), haute cuisine & arts, amazing, high quality fabric in about anything (handbags, clothes...) Harvard. if you can´ t tell by now, I´ m a full force libra. 

I´m learning that even though I never judge other peoples behaviour (I always respect another point of view dearly) it stills means that I´ m allowed to be hurt by it and give myself space to not deny my feelings. 
{That´ s some really deep ish, btw.}

Fish. I´ m dead serious, if it´ s coming out of the ocean - it will not end up on my plate.
End of the story.

That no matter where you are in life, no matter your upbringing, who you are or what you have experienced: you absolutely can becoming and do ANYTHING and live that exceptional life & career.
YOU CAN. AND YOU WILL. design a life that you love. Period. 

If I´m not working with my clients or recording a podcast epsiode...

I looooove haute cuisine, art, music, especially live concerts, cashmere sweaters and nice handbags.
I just overall really enjoy all of the fine things in life, 100% libra style. Btw., full force libra over here (as in sun, moon & rising is ALL libra).
I enjoy going to the gym A LOT and really try to keep up with my 3 kids AND our puppy.
Chasing a puppy should count as sports, too, btw.

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